Around the Chardonnay Nest



The lake of Der
It is also Giffaumont, the only seaside resort in Champagne! Filled with water in 1974, the Lac du Der covers 4800 hectares and 77 km of shoreline. It is one of the largest artificial lakes in Europe and today represents a privileged leisure area: 6 beaches equipped for swimming, 3 marinas, and a casino with a panoramic restaurant and no less than 75 slot machines. below.

But the Lac du Der also welcomes another type of visitor: more than 270 species of birds, some of which are considered rare or endangered.

The most emblematic species is undoubtedly the common crane, one of the largest wild birds visible in France. In 2014, more than 300,000 cranes stopped over at Lac du Der for a migratory break.